Pirate Ship!

I kinda vanished from the face of the earth for a few days there – simply because I am learning how to light this bad boy!  You start to get one aspect under your belt(actual modelling) and then another skillset leaps up to say hi!  Lighting has been rather hard, simply because there isn’t a great deal of information other than “stick three lights in the scene”.  I think I am getting there- should probably have picked something easier as my first project.

And I still need to learn how to rig….Image from Maya, unlit as of yet!



Muppets Pirates


And we are done.  The final lineup.  Rather sad they are finished, actually – it has been a lot of fun!


I have actually removed poor old Floyd, as he just didn’t fit.  It is quite interesting how my style has developed since I drew the first Floyd to the final Ms. Piggy – onwards and upwards and to the next challenge!
