Game of Thrones – Joffrey Baratheon

I love Jeoffrey.  He is so evil and you just want to cheer whenever Tyrion slaps him.  What a terrifying, horrid, nasty, little creature he is! The actor portrays him beautifully!

Trying a slightly different style with this one, not sure I am happy entirely, but I think I caught his smug expression.  Plus, someone needs to take that crossbow away from him, right now.



Game of Thrones – Catelyn Stark

Finally, another GoT character!

I really feel for this poor lady, everything seems to go wrong for her.  Hence why I have drawn her slightly drawn and red-faced.

Currently on book 4 – endlessly torn between putting it down and savouring everything that is happening, and desperately reading on to find out what happens.

I have been working on a couple of other paintings for the folio, and today I made playdough!  I have a reason though – I am trying to learn more about light and shadow seeing as I am unable to take a course, and wanted to sculpt my own shapes to study.  I couldn’t find a decent medium that didn’t matter if it dried out, wasn’t too expensive and had some degree of translucency when thin – voila!  I think this might work, will let you know when I attempt my first experiments…

I thing Geoffrey and the Hound will be next. (The Hound is one of my favourite characters – did you know the actor is the guy from the Scotts porridge oats from bygone days! Yum!)allyalbon_442_Game_Thrones_Catelyn_stark1


Game of Thrones – Sansa Stark

11 days until game of thrones.  11 days until game of thrones.  Once more – 11 days until game of thrones.

In case you needed to know what occupies what little free time I have.

I’ve been a little quiet recently due to the insane amount of work I have had to do!  Catching up though.  Also, I have taken the step into learning 3d modelling – only a couple of hours in really, but absolutely loving it.  Can’t hurt to add another feather to the cap.  Although it means that I have even less free time left…


Game of Thrones – Viserys Targaryen

So the next project of mine is slightly bigger than the Muppets – it is Game of Thrones, possibly one of the best shows I have seen and one of the best books (well, series of).  It is on the verge of knocking Lord of the Rings off its pedastal, which is scary.

I have already drawn Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark – did this last year so style is slightly different.  However, now the Muppets are finished, I can pile in.  Another six are sketched.  I probably should have thought it through a little first though, considering how many characters…. so I shall draw those with the biggest impression on me.  The characters are not direct copies of the telly folk, they will be a mix of their on screen actors and the characters I view in my head.

We shall start with one of my favourite characters simply because he is so sly…


Game of Thrones – Robert Baratheon

Hello peeps n peepetts! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.  It has been rather busy here, and in particular – I have finished building my website and also landed a large freelance gig, hence the silence.  My website should (all things willing….) be up and running tomorrow!

Sadly, it looks as thought is down again! I can’t exist without that place.  I get the shakes.  It means I actually have to draw instead of drool.

For now, I forgot to post this pic to go with Ned Stark – his bestie, Robert Baratheon.  I also have about five of the other gang pencilled and ready to go, however they will have to wait until after the Muppets are done.  Not many to go!


Game of Thrones – Eddard Stark

I have found something I love more than Lord of the Rings, a rather unbelievable confession! However, after hearing a few people talk about Game of Thrones, and seeing a few images (and realising there were potentially dragons) then I decided to pick up the first GoT book.  And didn’t put it down. Then watched the first series and couldn’t stop.  Then read the second book and saw the second series.  Now I am feverishly trying not to start the third book until Christmas, but think I am losing that battle.  Haven’t enjoyed a book or series that much in almost forever.

So, to whet my wont,  I am designing the characters for a cartoon series.   I am basing my design more on my impression of the book versions rather than the series, but some of the characters cross over. Needless to say, I am having fun.



Catelyn Stark

Experimenting, having fun with skin tones.  Originally just a woman from my imagination, trying to improve on drawing humanity, I then realised who she was; Catelyn Stark, from Game of Thrones. Possibly the best books I have read in a long, long time – and the TV series is pretty amazing too.